1. Shift (5:26)
2. Swirl (12:45)
3. Spray (3:50)
4. Drift (3:37)
· Valentina Štrucelj: clarinets / klarineti
· Sebastian Rotzler: double bass, additional instruments / kontrabas, dodatni inštrumenti
All music by / glasba: Valentina Štrucelj & Sebastian Rotzler
Recorded by / snemanje: Sašo Puckovski at ŠKUC Gallery / Galerija ŠKUC, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 8/10/2022
Mixed and mastered by / oblikovanje zvoka: Sašo Puckovski
Liner notes by / spremna beseda: Sadie Plant
Cover artwork by / naslovnica: Patrick K.-H.
Graphic design by / oblikovanje: László Szakács
Executive producer / izvršni producent: László Juhász
Associate producer / producentka: Nataša Serec
As you dive into the waters, you seem to be surrounded by a single, homogeneous element. In fact, you are immersed in something full of difference and movement, swirls and meetings at many scales. Sprays of water evaporate in the air, circling to the heights of the atmosphere, while the waters shift and drift far below in currents of diverse densities. Differences in temperature, pressure, and salinity roll everything from top to bottom and from bottom to top. In cycles of hundreds of thousands of years, waters from the deepest part of the ocean slowly rise to the surface and meet the breeze of our days. While you and I, take only brief dips in the waves that surround us with their sound.
Sadie Plant
September 2024
Ko se potopiš v vode, se zdi, kot da si obdan z enim samim, homogenim elementom. A v resnici si potopljen v nekaj, kar je polno neenakosti, gibanj, vrtincev in srecanj na številnih ravneh. Kapljice vode izparevajo v zrak in krožijo vse do višav atmosfere, medtem ko se vode globoko spodaj premikajo in vijugajo v tokovih z razlicno gostoto. Razlike v temperaturi, tlaku in slanosti se premetavajo od vrha do dna in od dna do vrha. V ciklih, ki trajajo stotisoce let, se vode iz najglobljih delov oceana pocasi dvigujejo na površje, kjer srecajo vetric naših dni. Medtem pa se ti in jaz le za kratek cas potopiva v valove, ki naju obdajajo s svojim zvokom.
Sadie Plant
September 2024
Released: December 2024
Direct purchase: Bandcamp / Discogs